IEC International

New Zealand

New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries on the planet. Lush green farmlands, high mountains, volcanic deserts, beaches with crystal clear waters, this little island nation has it all.

A neighbor to Australia, New Zealand too has a unique flora and fauna that make it a one of a kind country to live in. It is important to note that, while it may look small, New Zealand is pretty much the same size as the UK or Japan.

The culture of the country is quite laid back and the locals are generally sweet and welcoming. The country is populated by around 4 million people only and is considered to be one of the safest places to live and study. Despite its relatively small size and small population it is still one of the most diverse places to live. The country has one of the more stable governments in the world and is widely considered to have a very strong economy.

The country also has one of the most temperate weathers one can find. The winters are mild with temperatures getting only as low as 10 degrees while being slightly wet, snow is common on higher altitudes. Summers are dry and warm with temperatures hovering around a pleasant 25 degrees. All in all, the weather in New Zealand is not as extreme as some of the other places on the planet.

New Zealand also boasts of a robust education system with world renowned universities and cutting edge research and development facilities. It is important to note that New Zealand colleges and universities charge far more affordable tuition than other countries like UK, US or even Australia for that matter.

The teaching style has heavy British influences and you get the same experience at a fraction of the cost of studying in the UK. The degrees are kept up to date in their course content and the colleges and universities recruit faculty from some of the most experienced professionals in the world. Degrees from New Zealand institutes are recognized around the world.

New Zealand has an endless array of activities for you to do while you are pursuing you degree. You can go hiking in the mountains, go swimming in the ocean, learn scuba diving, go snorkelling, or even indulge in a variety of sports. New Zealand, despite its size, is home to some of the most robust industries in the world. Animal husbandry, farming and finance are some of the most sought after industries to work in New Zealand.

NEW ZEALAND University

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Why study in New Zealand?

Reports from employers around the world show that students who graduate from New Zealand universities and colleges are often innovative thinkers. The education in this South Pacific island nation is considered to be world class and highly progressive. Qualifications earned in New Zealand universities are recognized around the world. More importantly, education institutions here offer a wide array of courses and opportunities to interested students.

The New Zealand Qualification Authority, or NZQA, ensures that the quality of programs offered by institutes in the country are always of the highest possible standards. This maintains the international standards of education that New Zealand has come to be synonymous with. Moreover, the country offers some of the best balance of academics and welfare in the world. The curriculum offered is highly balanced and is relevant to the current processes followed in work spaces the world over.

Cost of studying in New Zealand is almost 50% less than that of studying in a country like, say, USA or UK, it is even cheaper than studying in Canada or even Australia for that matter. Studying in a country like New Zealand can not only give you the international exposure and learning experience you need for world markets but is also a great deal easier on your bank accounts. Bachelor’s degrees here can last for up to three years and a post graduate degree will take you another year.

The government and the accreditation authorities of New Zealand take strong and focused measures to ensure that the universities here are consistently ranked among the best in the world. There is also a great deal of focus on ensuring a wholesome education experience for students here. The beautiful climate and environment ensures that you are never at a loss for things to do. Be it sports, activities like theatre, music etc. New Zealand provides you a decisive bang for your buck.

Education system in New Zealand:

University education in New Zealand finds its roots in the British university system and was established in 1870. New Zealand is home to eight state-funded universities that are respected for their academic rigor around the world. The country has a strong system that checks the quality of education at the level of both, the institution as well as the program. Over and above this universities are known to conduct regular internal checks to ensure that they are providing students nothing less than the highest standards of education.

The system offers a range of courses from arts, commerce and science with a multitude of specialized branches. Bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees and doctoral degrees are all provided at these universities. There are also honors programs that require an additional year of study. Polytechnic courses in New Zealand are also quite famous and find a lot of takers every year. These courses can be both, academically as well as vocationally focused. These courses are closely associated with employers and government agencies to provide a high sense of practicality to what they teach.

There are essentially ten levels of education in New Zealand schools and universities. They are:

There are also a number of private education institutions in New Zealand. A 1989 amendment to the New Zealand Education Act allowed the tertiary sector to award degrees through the NZQA. The New Zealand Qualification Authority keeps a close eye on these institutes and ensures that the quality of education meets their stringent standards. Private Training Establishments, or PTEs, also need to have their courses registered and approved by the NZQA.

A bachelor degree course usually consists of a preordained number of units, papers and courses. The student must attend the prescribed number of lectures and tutorials before they can be passed to the next year or awarded a degree. Some courses also have field trips and on-site study options. There is a great deal of emphasis placed on self-study skills and minima supervision. Most courses consider the grades in tests, assignments and practical towards the final grade and there is also a final written exam one needs to clear before being awarded a degree.

A post graduate diploma is a one-year full tie program designed for graduates to build on their previous academic degree. A graduate diploma, however, does not require the students to have studied the same subject matter previously. A master’s degree is open for students that have completed their bachelor’s degree. The course length for a master’s degree can be one or two years depending upon the course. There are also a number of master’s degrees that also include a thesis, especially those taken after an honors course. Doctorate degrees usually take 3 years complete. PHD students pay a domestic tuition fee but there are also scholarships available which cover pretty much all your expenses.

Application procedure

Academic years in New Zealand last from mid/late February to early November. Universities mostly give a 4 week holiday in June between two semesters. The intake months are usually February and July, some also offer the same in September. Fluency in English is mandatory if one wants to make the most of the education in New Zealand. The country and its universities and educational institutions also offer a number of courses for you to reach the level of English competency required. An IELTS score of 6.0-6.5 for undergraduates and a score of 6.5 to 7.5 are required to gain admittance in the course of your choice.

One needs to have their resume, statement of purpose, mark sheet and certificates of 10th, 12th and graduation (or transcripts) available. Having your certificates of extra-curricular activities handy is also beneficial. Make sure that you have a copy of your passport, birth certificate, and 2 reference letters from your college and/or employer.

It is important to note that there are no application fees to consider when applying to colleges in New Zealand. We, at the IEC will help you in ensuring that your application process goes off without a hitch and in helping you assemble all the requisite documents.


A diploma degree in New Zealand can cost you from $12,000 to $18,000 depending on whether it is a one year or a two year diploma. Bachelor’s degrees can range between $18,000 to $30,000 per year, depending, once again, on the course and university you choose to study from. A master’s program $19,000 to $32,000 per year.

Another thing to keep in mind is the cost of living you will be subjected to. If you are going to be studying in New Zealand for more than a year you need to prove to the authorities that you have at least $15,000 to support yourself for the first year. You will be able to offset some of these costs by being able to work part time, provided your visa allows for it. We, at IEC Consultants, will provide you all the support required to ensure that you not only have the visa but are also properly equipped to apply for a job.

Student visa

A student visa to New Zealand generally has duration of 4 years. Anybody hoping to study in New Zealand for more than three months needs a student visa. To get a student visa you need to fulfil the following conditions:

At IEC we provide you end-to-end visa support backed with time-tested post-visa and post-landing services.

Employment opportunities

New Zealand offers a plethora of employment opportunities for international students who are just graduating from their colleges. The main contributor to New Zealand’s GDP are services, which add up to 60% to it. These sectors are:

The above are just a few of the many service sectors that contribute to New Zealand’s booming economy. International students also have the option of working for up to 20 hours every week during the academic year, and full time, up to 40 hours per week, during the holidays. The going per hour wage for part-time jobs is around $10 to $15. International students who qualify under the skilled labor category can apply for a one year open work visa. The partner of such students can also apply for a work permit during the duration of their partner’s course.

Students who qualify for skilled worker’s program after their graduation, and who have a concrete job offer, can then apply for a two year work permit and can also look to apply for permanent residency. It is important to note that if a professional has New Zealand credentials the requirements for a 2 year work experience is waived off.


How much time does it take for the admission and visa process?

The assessment time for undergraduate applications is, generally, quite quick and is done in about 3-5 weeks. PG applications, however, can take up to 4 to 8 weeks to get processed. Visa processes for New Zealand are considerably fast. The New Zealand Information Service tries to ensure that the positive profile students get a decision on their applications within 15 to 20 working days.

Do students have any part-time work opportunities? If so, how much can they expect to earn?

Students can work up to 20 hours a week. Students can find work in farms, restaurants, malls, as marketing executives, etc. their wages can range from 9 to 12 New Zealand dollars an hour. If you are a masters by research student or a PhD student you can even work full time during the term-time.

What accommodation arrangements can I expect?

Students are required to show a written guarantee of accommodation before they are granted a visa. There are some institutions that may be able to grand a residential accommodation to students who are not staying at a friend or a relative’s place. A student may also wish to arrange their own accommodation. Students should make it a point to indicate beforehand whether or not they need support in order to find a place to stay when they apply to the institution.

Can dependents accompany students?

A student’s dependents can include their spouse, partners, faince, and/or children. The student’s dependents can accompany them to the country or join them at a later date. They should have, however, applied for the visa they require, be it work, student or visitor, and must fulfil all their criterion. Dependents who are in school will need to pay their full fees for enrolling in primary and secondary courses of study.

How much money can I bring to New Zealand?

There is no limit to the amount of money you can bring in or take out of New Zealand. Although, if you are bringing in more than 10,000 New Zealand dollars in cash you will have to declare the same to the New Zealand Customs Service.

Can my spouse apply for work visa?

A student’s spouse can only work in New Zealand provided the student is pursuing a post graduate degree. The other case where the student’s spouse can apply for a work visa is if the student is studying a course that is on the Long Term Skill Shortage List.

Does a student get a job search visa after graduation?

You can apply for a 12 month job search visa within three months of completion of your course from NZ.