IEC International


Academic Excellence in France:
  • In-Depth University Profiles: Explore renowned French universities such as Sorbonne, Sciences Po, and INSEAD. Detail their strengths, faculties and unique academic programs.
  • Scholarship Spotlights: Regularly feature scholarship opportunities available for international students, encouraging them to pursue academic excellence in France.
Preparing for the French Academic Adventure:
  • Visa Application Guides: Break down the process of obtaining a student visa, providing step-by-step guides and tips for a hassle-free experience.
  • Cost of Living Series: Create comprehensive articles detailing the cost of living in different cities, offering insights into accommodation, transportation, and daily expenses.
  • Healthcare Webinars: Host virtual sessions or interviews with experts to guide students through the French healthcare system and the importance of proper health insurance coverage.
Embracing French Culture:
  • Cultural Immersion Stories: Share personal anecdotes or guest posts from students who have embraced and navigated the nuances of French culture successfully.
  • Language Learning Resources: Offer language learning tips and resources, making it easier for international students to adapt to French language requirements.
Exploring Iconic French Cities:
  • City Guides & Virtual Tours: Create detailed city guides for popular student destinations, combining practical information with immersive virtual tours.
  • Accommodation Comparison Series: Compare various accommodation options available to students, including on-campus housing, private rentals, and homestays.
Academic Life in France :
  • Student Interviews: Feature interviews with international students sharing their academic experiences, challenges, and successes in French universities.
  • Internship Success Stories: Highlight success stories of students who secured valuable internships in France, providing insights into the application process.
Savoring French Cuisine and Beyond:
  • Cooking Classes: Host virtual cooking classes or collaborate with local chefs to bring authentic French cooking experiences to international students.
  • Culinary Exploration Series: Explore lesser-known aspects of French cuisine, regional specialties, and hidden gems in local food scenes.
Celebrating French Festivals and Traditions:
  • Interactive Event Calendar: Create an interactive calendar featuring upcoming festivals, holidays, and cultural events across different regions.
  • User-Generated Content: Encourage readers to share their experiences of celebrating French traditions, creating a sense of community engagement.
Weekend Getaways and Exploring La Champagne:
  • Travel Itineraries: Provide weekend getaway itineraries, suggesting off-the-beaten-path destinations and activities.
  • Student Travel Diaries: Feature travel diaries from students who have explored the French countryside, offering practical advice and recommendations.
Building Connections in Suomi:
  • Virtual Networking Events: Organize online networking events connecting international students with alumni, local professionals, and like-minded peers.
  • Language Exchange Platforms: Recommend language exchange programs or platforms to facilitate connections between international and local students.
Reflections and Stories:
  • Storytelling Workshops: Host workshops or webinars on effective storytelling, encouraging students to share their experiences authentically.
  • Interactive Blog Section: Create a dedicated space for readers to submit their own stories, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.
Process flow for France:
  1. Location & University Selection
  2. Apply for an Offer Letter
  3. Financials (Financials for Payment Approval)
  4. Fees Payment (Pay 1st Semester)
  5. Pre-Medical
  6. Visa Lodgment
  7. Pre-Departure Session
Why through IEC? IEC is an International Education Centre which is Indian’s most trustable & Students first choice.
  1. Having 15+ years of experience in education industry
  2. 10000 + students counseled
  3. 1600 + students practicing in India
  4. 30+ Team of education experts
  5. World class universities
  6. 100 % True Guidance
  7. Students Parents Satisfaction
  8. Fulfill dreams and Ambitions
  9. Build confidence