IEC International


About the French language

French is a Romance language spoken by 220 million speakers all over the world. Being a Romance language means it’s a language that evolved from Latin, and it has a few cousins in Europe. French shares similar grammar and vocabulary with other Romance languages such as Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian.

French speaking communities are present in 56 countries and territories. Most native speakers of the language live in France, the rest live essentially in Canada, particularly the province of Quebec, with minorities in the Atlantic provinces, Ontario, and Western Canada, as well as Belgium, Switzerland, Monaco, Luxembourg, and the U.S. states of Louisiana and Maine. Most second-language speakers of French live in Francophone Africa, arguably exceeding the number of native speakers.

French Language Coaching


International Education Centre is a premier French language coaching institute where students come to study French and take official tests such as the DELF exam. International Education Centre offers students a unique environment in which to undertake INTENSIVE FRENCH COURSE in AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT. International Education Centre allows students to study French in an authentic French way. This enables them to develop and practice the real-world communication skills required for the DELF exam A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2.

Whatever dates you choose and however much time you have available for studying French, we have a suitable French language course for you. We follow the Common European Framework issued by the European Commission for language learning. We currently offer six different French language course levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2.

The courses range from Regular, Week-End and Fast Track. Yes, We provide flexibility in timing as well. Don’t delay your learning, Start learning French today.


More than 200 million people speak French on the five continents. The Francophone, the international organization of French-speaking countries, comprises 68 states and governments. French is the second most widely learned foreign language after English, and the ninth most widely spoken language in the world. French is also the only language, alongside English, that is taught in every country in the world. France operates the biggest international network of cultural institutes, which run French-language courses for more than 750,000 learners. Learn French in Ahmedabad today only at International Educational Centre.

An ability to speak French and English is an advantage on the international job market. Knowledge of French opens the doors of French companies in France and other French-speaking parts of the world (Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, and North and sub-Saharan Africa). As the world’s fifth biggest economy and number-three destination for foreign investment, France is a key economic partner. Best coaching for French is available in Ahmedabad only at International Educational Centre.

Speaking French opens up study opportunities at renowned French universities and business schools, ranked among the top higher education institutions in Europe and the world. Students with a good level of French are eligible for French government scholarships to enroll in postgraduate courses in France in any discipline and qualify for internationally recognized French degrees. Learn French in Ahmedabad today only at International Educational Centre.

First and foremost, learning French is the pleasure of learning a beautiful, rich, melodious language, often called the language of love. French is also an analytical language that structures thought and develops critical thinking, which is a valuable skill for discussions and negotiations.

Benefits of learning French :

Knowing French will allow you not only to function but to compete effectively in the global economy of the future.

In many European countries, a second language is introduced in primary school and a third language in middle school. International job applicants who are proficient in at least two languages will be at a distinct advantage in the global market. When you know French, you can be part of communications and transactions occurring daily in French on every continent.

Speaking French will increase your job opportunities and salary potential.

Knowledge of a second language is essential in over 60 occupations. Canada is officially bilingual and requires labeling in English and French on all imported products. More than 1,200 French companies have subsidiaries in the U.S.. France is a world leader in the development of modern telecommunications, a market with explosive growth potential.

Studying French increases your appreciation of other people and their cultures.

French is a foreign language of choice for so many people in the world, knowing French will also increase your chances of communicating in a non-English speaking country. You can use French to develop international friendships, as well as to communicate via the Internet.

French opens up an entire world of sporting events to enthusiasts.

French is always an official language used to announce events, winners, and medals at the Olympic Games. In Canada you can also follow hockey and baseball games in French. Automobile races (Le Mans and Monte Carlo), horse racing (Longchamps), tennis tournaments (French Open), and the Tour de France engage fans around the globe

Knowing French will improve your vocabulary in English.

Some 40 to 50% of English vocabulary comes from French. The study of French will also enhance your grammar skills. As you develop greater skills in French, you also sharpen your skills in English.

Learning a new language, like French develops your critical and creative thinking skills/strong

It will also increase your problem-solving skills and improve your memory, self-discipline, and self-esteem. Because progress is very easy to measure, you can quickly take pride in your new abilities. Knowing French can help you attain a number of important life skills.

Proficiency in French will significantly improve your chances of being accepted to the university and to graduate school.

France continues to be a leader and innovator in science and technology. Civil engineering (the Channel between England and France, the TGV –fastest train, the Concorde), medical technologies (the isolation of the HIV virus) and telecommunications (the Minitel with more than 20,000 on-line services and micro-chip telephone cards)

Using French enhances your travel opportunities abroad to the Caribbean, Europe, and Africa and beyond.

After the United States, France is the second most visited tourist destination in the world. Paris was recently named by Fortune Magazine as one of the top ten global cities. When you speak French, you can be an educated tourist, ask for directions, get your own hotel room or tell a French friend about your own country.

French is the language of culture opening your door to art, music, dance, fashion, cuisine, and cinema.

As you quickly realize when you look at the foreign film section of your local video store, France is one of the most prolific producers of international films. The Cannes International Film Festival annually attracts the attention of the world when the best films, directors and actors are named.

French is the language of many great literary masterpieces.

People around the world are familiar with La Chanson de Roland, Les Misérables, The Three Musketeers, 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, The Little Prince, and The Stranger. In fact, France has won more Nobel Prizes for literature than any other country.

Exams conducted:


DELF or Diplôme d’études en langue française (translated: Diploma in French Studies), is essentially for beginners and certifies a student through Level A1, A2, B1 and B2 that correspond to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Usually, some English taught programs might require a student to showcase a minimum of B2 level of proficiency. This, again, would depend and vary from university to university

Structure of the Exams

As already mentioned, DELF is conducted for levels A1 – B2. All four exams, DELF A1, DELF A2, DELF B1, and DELF B2, essentially have the same structure. The exam is divided into 4 parts of


As in the case of the writing section, the difference in the four exams is of the level of difficulty. While the levels A1 & A2 would constitute of guided conversations and use simple sentences, the levels B1 and B2 would require a student to speak about a situation or a picture. B2 is more about the ability of a candidate to present and defend an opinion.


Series recordings of no more than 3 minutes in length are played twice. Candidates are required to answer small questions based on the same. At the B2 level, the pattern is changed. There are only two recordings and while the first recording is played twice, the second is played back only once.


Designed to assess the students’ ability to read written instructions and understand the same, the test has small comprehensive reading questions. The students are supposed to read small texts and answer multiple choice or true/false questions. At the B2 level, the only difference is that the texts are relatively longer.


This varies in level of difficulty from level to level. For instance, for A1 level, the student is supposed to write personal information along with a 40-word long introduction about self. In Level A2, the content is a bit more descriptive and would require a student to describe an event or experience. At levels B1 & B2, the students are supposed to present an argument for a given topic. Word limit and difficulty level vary though.







20 minutes

30 minutes

30 minutes

5–7 minutes with 10 minutes prep time


25 minutes

30 minutes

45 minutes

6–8 minutes with10 minutes prep time


25 minutes

35 minutes

45 minutes

15 minutes with 10 minutes prep time


30 minutes

60 minutes

60 minutes

20 minutes with 30 minutes prep time


The Diplôme approfondie de langue française (translated: Diploma in Advanced French), is for the more advanced users of the language. It has two exams under it that correspond to the levels C1 & C2, of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Level C2 is the highest level of proficiency in the French language.

Structure of the Exam

Both C1 & C2 are for advanced levels and denote independent candidates who have the ability to easily understand and speak the language as well as present their thoughts in writing. These two have separate structures, as shared below.

DALF C1 Exam, like the DELF examinations, is also divided into 4 sections

DALF C2 Exam, which is also the highest level of proficiency for students, is divided into two parts.







40 minutes

50 minutes

2 hours 30 minutes

30 minutes with 1 hour prep time


Oral Comprehension and Discussion with Jury

Written Comprehension - Essay of 2000 words


30 minutes with 1 hour prep time

3 hours 30 minutes


The results for DELF( diplome d’ Etudes en Langue Francaise ) and DALF ( diplome approfondi de langue francaise ) exams typically come out within a few weeks after the exam date its recommended to check with the examination center or official website for specific result release dates.