IEC International


About Electrical

Electrical engineers design, develop, test, and supervise the manufacture of electrical equipment, such as electric motors, radar and navigation systems, communications systems, or power generation equipment. Electrical engineers also design the electrical systems of automobiles and aircraft.

Course Options After Electrical

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Few Programme Options After Electrical

Electrical Engineering Technician

Students of the Electrical Engineering Technician program learn a full range of electrical skills enabling them to work in a wide variety of electrical engineering areas including power systems and automation control systems. As well as acquiring a solid foundation of knowledge, students gain maximum career flexibility and the opportunity to explore several avenues in the electrical field. Students gain experience with electric motors, controls, PLCs, transformers and their industrial applications. Knowledge of electrical theory is supplemented by practical applications in power systems, industrial solid state controls, instrumentation, programmable logic controllers and motor control systems. Students work with heavy electrical motors, generators and transformers, learning a variety of industrial applications.

Controls Systems – Electrical Engineering

It’s a set of automated devices that control the transformation, transportation, and distribution of electrical energy in equipment, whether industrial or domestic, in addition to regulating the flow of electric current needed for its proper operation. At the industrial level, there are machines that function due to different devices that respond to an electrical control system. Such is the case with control switches or the electricity conductors for starting motors, pumps, refrigerators, etc. Electrical control systems are essential in several sectors: industries, ships, airplanes, and even nuclear power plants. These range from engineering and construction to industrial food and beverage manufacturing, and they serve to ensure that the setups and processes involved successfully comply with their mechanical functions.

Electrical Process Automation and Trades

The Electrical Engineering Technician – Process Automation program provides you with the basic knowledge of electricity and electronics. As a student, you will learn to apply related subjects such as computer technology, industrial electronics, instrumentation, electrical machines, robotics, power electronics, and automated control systems. When you graduate, you will be geared towards a career in the industrial environment and will be able to install, test, modify, troubleshoot, and repair electrical systems. You will also be able to approach industrial electrical and electronic systems from the viewpoint of analysis, technical evaluation, design, and development.

Electrical Power Generation

The specialized, intensive Electrical Power Generation Technician diploma program will prepare you to install, maintain and test electrical power generation units up to 10,000 kilowatts used for emergency power, standby power and prime power generation, in compliance with regulated standards. You will also be able to maintain service and install diesel, gasoline and natural gas powered generators. The job market for qualified specialists in the electrical and alternate power generation field is strong and growing, due to supply shortages, climate disruptions and the increase in energy demands. Power generator systems ensure consistent power generation in response to unreliable electricity grids or when traditional hydroelectricity is unavailable.

Power Generation

Electrical power plays significant role in a development of industry and agriculture with the growing demand of electric power and diminishing of fossil fuel it has important to generate power more efficiently. This course therefore details of electrical power generation using thermal, hydro and nuclear. These types of power plants need highly skilled technician who are capable of operating various equipment to supply uninterrupted power. This course attempts to develop basic generating skills required to take appropriate decision to maintain various generating stations and auxiliary equipment of power plant and also aid for further studies in transmission, utilization and protection of power system for smooth and steady operation.

Electrical engineering technology

Electrical engineering technology is a part of virtually everything society relies on, from air conditioning to airplanes, trains, and televisions. EET is the largest branch of engineering technology and includes a diverse range of sub disciplines, such as applied design, electronics, embedded systems, control systems, instrumentation, telecommunications, and power systems. Robotics, computer-aided design (CAD), programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and electronic manufacturing processes may also be part of an EET professional’s work, which focuses on the design, application, installation, manufacturing, operation, and maintenance of electrical systems. They work hand-in-hand with electrical engineers to help ideas come to life. EET is the study of machines, equipment, technology, and systems that conduct electrical charges and produce electricity. It also includes the study of electrical distribution systems that control the amount of energy received by an appliance, such as an energy converter or control system. EET professionals typically work in the field to maintain electric voltage systems and their individual parts, such as heaters, motors, circuits, and generators. They also often install wiring systems and circuit boards.

Energy Systems Engineering / Alternative Energy

The Energy Systems Engineering Technology program will focus on society’s changing views of energy and the environment, which are transforming the utility and construction sectors. This advanced diploma program will present the students with the opportunity to learn how to integrate and use modern sustainable energy technologies in a manner consistent with sub-urban environments. The utility sector is currently undergoing a radical shift in operating practice that opens the door to a range of innovative energy projects using small-scale sources — solar, wind, hydro, biomass, Hydrogen fuel cells, energy advising, energy storage systems & management, and Geo-thermal energy— to feed electricity, heat, transport vehicles and heat pumps for heating & cooling of homes and businesses. The construction industry, meanwhile, has adopted a host of new net zero building initiatives that are quickly increasing the awareness and use of sustainable and integrated architecture and engineering practices for new buildings. Manufacturers also have many new products that provide ways to implement advanced energy management in commercial and residential structures. Due to the energy industry’s changing nature, this program will be challenging but will result in a unique blend of technical, managerial and entrepreneurial skills that are highly sought after in modern energy and sustainable building companies and sectors.

Power Line Technician

This skills-based program offers a unique opportunity for you to prepare for all facets of the Powerline Technician occupation. Graduates of this program have experienced strong rates of co-op securement and graduate employment. Practical skills are developed during multiple hands-on, full-length work days in our dedicated, on-site training yard. Students benefit from daily use and training on our extensive fleet of industry-standard vehicles and work equipment. Students will learn the skills required for the construction, maintenance and repair of overhead and underground power-distribution systems through significant hands-on practical skills development and classroom learning. Students may have the opportunity to complete the initial level(s) of apprenticeship trade schooling and become registered as a Powerline Technician Apprentice (434A). Also, students will have the opportunity to take additional industry-specific courses. Two optional co-op terms are incorporated into this unique program. Co-op work term experience may be counted towards the on-the-job apprenticeship hours. This program reflects industry’s strong emphasis on safety. Requisite Occupational Health & Safety courses introduce students to regulatory knowledge and industry-safe work procedures and practices.

Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician diploma program prepares you for a career as a technician capable of designing, installing and servicing many different types of energy systems. As you progress through the program, you will become familiar with the installation and service techniques of heating and air conditioning systems in residential and small commercial buildings. As well, you will learn to size, select and maintain equipment for building comfort according to various industry standards. When students meet or exceed minimum TSSA course attendance and course mark criteria, they are eligible to write G3, G2 and OBT3 license exams.

Building Automation Systems – Operations

The Building Automation System Operations Graduate Certificate program builds on your industry and educational experience and deepens your understanding of technologies that support the sustainable operation of buildings and ongoing building optimization. By working with data analysis, you gain the ability to monitor and adjust energy usage and gauge system parameters, alarms and activities within a building. The program is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to advance in the building technology field. With increased awareness of sustainable measures and growing energy costs, professionals in this field are moving towards high-performance automated buildings. These Smart buildings are reducing consumption and ensuring comfort, health and safety. In this program, you use case studies, hands-on learning, and field work to give you the knowledge to understand and apply skills in relation to building automation systems.

Worldwide Career Opportunities

You can work in any country after graduation. Being an electrical engineer means having a lot of job opportunities in all around the world. The laws of math and physics are universal, and your gained knowledge doesn’t limit you to only the country you studied in.United States of America (USA)The USA is widely considered to be the best country for Masters in Electrical Engineering due to its strong infrastructure, high quality of education, and vast research opportunities. The USA has a large number of top universities offering excellent programs in the field.

Approx Average Salary

Electrical technician Approx Average Salary $51,275 per year
Electrician Approx Average Salary $52,049 per year
Control Engineer Approx Average Salary $60,711 per year
Electrical project manager Approx Average Salary $83,703 per year
Electrical designer Approx Average Salary $90,494 per year

Study Option Worldwide in Electrical

  • United States

  • United Kingdom

  • Canada

  • Australia

  • Germany

  • Italy

  • New Zealand

Cost of Study

The average annual fee at top universities for MS in EE is around USD 20,000- 30,000 (INR 15, 91,818- 23, 87,727)

Duration of Course

Studying electrical engineering abroad at the undergraduate level usually takes three to four years, depending on your study destination, type of degree and study mode. At postgraduate level, an electrical engineering course is typically one to three years long.